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英國知名的Pom Pom所出版的雜誌第37期(2021年夏季版),這一期Pom Pom 以誘人的圖案和鳥的顏色為設計發想,呈現夏季風味,每一個作品非常漂亮!


For Issue 37, we asked the designers to take their inspiration from the alluring textures and glorious colours of birds. These talented (or should that be talon-ted ) individuals have taken our cue and stretched their wings! We were so impressed with their imaginative interpretations of our theme as they have thought so carefully about every aspect of these animals: from the shape of their clawprints in snow to their sky formations. 


Pom Pom編織書每本售價為NT$720。

編織雜誌Pom Pom 第37期


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