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刺繡木框Wood Embroidery Hoop

  • 刺繡時使用的木框,可依照繡布的厚度,用所附的螺絲調整鬆緊,非常牢固的木頭材質,邊緣非常光滑,刺繡時方便好操作。

    Embroider more easily with this solid wood embroidery hoop, adjustable for different thicknesses. . Convenient! The embroidery drum is the essential ally whatever your project is: sewing, embroidery, cross stitch ... Embroider more easily with these sturdy wooden hoops, adjustable for different thicknesses. The knurled screw is used to tighten and ensure a lasting hold. Decoration! It is also a decorative accessory that is displayed on the walls to sublimate your creations or a simple fabric that you want to hang like a painting!

  • 因進口數量有限,購買前請仔細考慮,售出後恕無法退換貨,敬請見諒。

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