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這本編織書是由Laine所出版,Veera Välimäki是芬蘭知名的設計師,她的設計配色簡約,線條俐落,最有名的出版品是與Joji Locatelli共同設計,由Pom Pom 出版的Interpretation 系列,而這本Stripes是她的第三本出版品,由Laine出版。Stripes書裏有20個編織織圖(6件毛衣,3件外套,1件洋裝,8條披肩,1雙襪子,1頂帽子),條紋設計是書裏的主題,預計上市日期10月29日,條紋控千萬不要錯過!

Veera Välimäki is one of the leading knitwear designers in the world. Her designs are known for their simple, clean lines with modern details. Veera lives and works in a small village in Southern Finland surrounded by forests, fields and lakes. Since 2014, Veera has worked on the popular book series, Interpretations, together with Joji Locatelli (published by Pom Pom Press). Stripes is her third hardback book.

200 pages

20 knitting patterns (6 sweaters, 3 cardigans, 1 dress, 8 shawls, 1 pair of socks, 1 beanie)


Language: English

Weight: Approx. 1000 g / 2.2 lb

Dimensions: 205 x 270 x 21 mm

Release date: October 29, 2021





  • 照片中的顏色盡量忠實呈現,但仍以實物為準,購買前請仔細斟酌,因數量有限,售出後無法退換,敬請見諒。

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